I just wanted to take the time to share with you some AMAZING homework papers that I have received this week.  These students:

  1.  drew illustrations with lots of good details that show what the picture is
  2. colored their pictures with wonderful 3-Star Coloring
  3.  sound spelled the label for their picture using correct sounds
  4.  book spelled the label with parent’s help
  5.  printed neatly and made their letters “the school-way”
  6.   wrote a sentence on the back (using 5-Star writing) to match one of their pictures
  7.   had mom or dad help them fix “oops” like backwards letters or forgetting a capital or punctuation on their sentence

THIS is what BEST WORK looks like in our kindergarten classroom!  Thank you for all the help and support you are giving your child and for making them the best possible learner they can be!  I always tell them…..”The pickier I am, the smarter you get!”.  Thanks for keeping expectations high at home as well!


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Here is a link to last week’s newsletter as well: lp-k-news-112216


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